Greens and Spring

It is no coincidence that as the flowers bloom and the leaves are on the trees, our bodies begin to crave fresh foods, salads, juices and smoothies.   

If you live in an area where the seasons are always changing you might notice how you eat differently with each season, or you should. Our bodies will adapt to our environment. Women see this when they realize that their cycle can sync with ladies they work with.  We all will do this when it comes to our outdoor environment also.   This is why I will not recommend someone living in a region that is not tropical to eat tropical fruits.  Their taste buds will enjoy it but their body will find it to be somewhat foreign and the sugar spike might be greater for them.  

It is in our best interest to look at each season change as a time of renewal or preparation. Just as animals prepare for winter, we will also. We eat heavier foods, like root veggies and stews, we wear layers with our clothing and our environment around us dies off in preparation for the renewal of Spring.  Spring comes and new growth arises. We plant gardens and crave fresh.  Allow yourself to recognize this time.  Don't just allow the menu to change at your local fast food or sit down restaurant.  Recognize the desire for iced tea over hot tea. This typically happens with the warmer temps and season change.  You begin eating less meat and more greens.  All are a good thing.  

This practice is embraced with Ayurvedic medicine and is a great place to start when . My favorite Ayurvedic practitioner is John Douillard.  He has a great article on the season we are getting ready to move in, Kapha.   It contains a wonderful grocery list. 

Spring is not only great because the weather becomes warmer and the Earth is filled with color again, but it is a great time for the body to cleanse and renew.   Start with leafy greens and work on the rest.  You got this! 

Ep 12: Cortland Finnegan Interview

I am so excited for you all to get to know Cortland.  Not only did he excel in the NFL and was a part of the 2016 Super Bowl Carolina Panthers. He is a father of 3, husband, entrepreneur,  is connected to the ever growing I Love Juice Bar, co owner of Christopher Coy a luxurious woman's shoe line and a philanthropist. 
Cortland and I talk about eating healthy as an athlete and the importance of that, and also what he is now doing to give back and use his success to benefit others.

Side note: Cortland and I had to reschedule our first meeting, when planning I asked if he could come on a day that a client of mine was scheduled.  This client was a huge fan and had expressed her admiration for him in a previous appt.  Not only did Cortland take pictures with her and her mother, he also hung out and talked football with her.  It made her week, and it made mine to be able to have the opportunity to make it happen.  Thank you Cortland for all you do and all you are! 

Tom Brady's eating;How Athletes should eat.

The Super Bowl has came and gone.  I wanted the Falcons but they did not over come the Patriots.  Along with the headlines of the Patriots win was also the headlines of star QB Tom Brady's diet. What Tom Cuts Out, Tom Brady's Extreme Diet, and more. 

The basis of his diet is cutting out various foods, that quite frankly, everyone should be cutting out.  He credits not just playing, but playing at the level of the best in the entire league. 

I think I’m living proof of what it’s been. I was the kid that was the 199th pick that never had the body for it. People didn’t think I’d play one year in the NFL, and now I’m going on my 17th year. So I actually feel like I’m a great case study, and I want to inspire athletes who do want to be their best to have a place to go where they can learn—to me—what the best information is available out there.
- Tom Brady


1. GMO's- Genetically Modified Organisms.  Food created to resist super bugs so they can't eat the "corn" but yet when rats eat the GMO corn, they get tumors, get sick, and die. 

2. Salt- Traditional table salt is not what our body desires for electrolyte balance. Choosing to use himalayan pink salt, or Celtic salt. 

3. White Sugar:   DEVIL.  You do not need it.  Stevia, Maple syrup, coconut sugar, local honey. 

4. White Flour:  Just like sugar.  Not needed.  Choose almond flour, coconut flour.

5. Olive OIl: Brady only uses olive oil for raw.  Olive oil can go rancid if you get it to a smoke point. It is best to lightly sauté with, or use with raw dressings. Coconut oil, ghee, avocado oil, are all good high heat cooking oils.  

6. Nightshades:  Brady chooses to not eat night shades which are tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and mushrooms. There is a large portion of the population who's bodies do not do well with this group of foods. It causes inflammation and dis-ease in their body. I do not take them out of a clients diet at first, but I do monitor the amounts they are eating. If they have a halt in progress or are continuing to have achy muscles I will ask them to remove those foods. 

7. Caffeine:   Many people choose to eliminate caffeine so they are not dependent on a stimulant for energy. It also is taxing on the adrenals and makes it hard to relax.  For some coffee specifically, upsets their digestion. 

8. Dairy:  We are not cows.  So why are we so dependent on another animals milk. Yes there are some beneficial enzyme and bacteria in raw cows milk. Who drinks it raw? (some do, but not many) For gut health and immunity it is very beneficial to eliminate dairy.... no more mucus! 

9. Fruit:   Brady probably chooses other food sources for energy out side or sugar sources.   Yes fruit can be very beneficial for your active body. Many over eat fruit and go outside of fruit that is in season in their area, and their body has a hard time adjusting to those not grown in their climate. 

Why is this extreme?  When did we feel okay with saying that chocolate milk is a great after workout/exercise food?  Why do professional athletes who typically have the income to support eating the best quality foods, not make that choice?   I believe it is a lack of knowledge, poor advice, and lack of care. 

I wrote about this in 2011 when I was fed up with athletes endorsing fast food and junk

In a world with so many amazing options that will better our lives and health, why not choose the best? If you are unsure of the best, contact me... Ill guide you :)   In the meantime review Brady's diet, choose to eliminate even one of the things he does, you will be better for it!

A Plant Based Diet

I often get asked how I eat.  I refrain from going into large details about my eating because I do not want others to think they have to eat just like me to be successful. I eat based on my needs and goals and it has, so far been working. I do fine tune here and there and have the periods of time I get off track just like others. 

I refer to myself as Paleo-Vegan. Which if you know either of those “diets” its a bit of a contradiction to say that.  I eat very little meat, consume ghee and collagen, but also eat a whole lot of veggies and healthy fats.  I do have an internal struggle with flesh animals and eating them. I do not enjoy preparing them. I drink bone broth but do not make it myself because the bones gross me out.  I always choose quality or local but still on occasion, think deeper about the animal and that I am eating an animal and it grosses me out.  I also enjoy honey and bee pollen which is not consumed by most vegans.  

I grew up on a farm in Indiana and my parents still raise sheep. We would eat lamb on many occasions and it was always on the table on holidays.  I knew, yet really didn’t make the connection, that the lamb I might have showed for 4-H was the lamb on my plate.  I think that is how we become de-synthesized and able to consume so much meat as a culture. We do not make the connection.  It has often been said that we can be fine killing a cow but no way we would think about eating our dog.  Why is that?   

Now I am not here to convince you to be vegan or vegetarian. But I do want to manipulate you into eating more plants, superfoods, and herbs. :)    Being plant based means that bulk of your diet are plants.   Veggies, legumes, fruits, and anything that is grown on the earth.  Do you currently fall into this category?    

I will often say I could be Vegan and eat potato chips with every meal. I would not be eating  animal products.  Would that be healthy? No way!   Now, a plant based vegan says a lot. It is saying you are getting tons of plants, vitamins and minerals (hopefully).  

There is always an exception based on goals and health concerns.  Those are things I evaluate when guiding a client on their eating style.  Our eating might evolve as our health does.   Bottom line, you will not get “sicker” eating plants.  

Are you a plant based eater?  

Eating for a Purpose

We all know we eat to live.  Clearly it is what you have to do to function.  Our bodies are so amazing. Stop and think about how much it takes and still keeps going.  Stress, poor eating with almost no actual nutrition, lack of sleep, minimal exercise. Now, I know that is not the case with my readers, because you all are amazing.  I am sure you have a co worker or a friend who is the above.  ;) 

In all honestly though, our human body is so powerful it goes years and years not getting what it needs before it shows us signs that things have to change.  Partly from our lack of knowledge about real positive food, but also because we allow everything else to take priority other than ourselves.  

This is where eating for a purpose comes in.   It is as simple as saying this to yourself when you eat, "What purpose does this food right now serve me"  Simple right, before it is in your mouth think, is this positive food full of nutrients that my body will use, or is this pure pleasure (protein, carbs, fat, sugar).  The beauty comes when you can say this is both pleasurable and nutrient dense.   Trust me, you will get there. I live it daily.

You know about protein, carbs, and fat. We get those in large quantities daily. They are called our macro nutrients.  When you join a gym, or weight loss program, those are what they restrict for you.   High protein, lower carbs, low fat.   It is typically what you will go back to when the weight comes back on.    BUT, what about the other side of the equation?  MICRO nutrients are your best friend.  Get in bed with those babies, cause that is your key.  Look back on your daily meals, how many of your meals were full of vitamins and minerals, not just protein carbs and fat? As you prep and plan so you eat well, how much of your planning is around micro nutrients and not just the macro.    Are you eating for a positive purpose? 

1. Start with evaluation. Don't track food for calories, track food for nutrition.  

2. Review how many vitamins and minerals you are getting in your daily meals.  How many leafy greens, how many of the things you are eating actually can give your body the fuel it needs to thrive and also heal. 

3. Once you review how can you add more in, not in supplement form but in real food form.  Leafy greens, spirulina, chorella, quality fats like avocado and coconut oil.  

You will still have pleasurable foods that fall into the "minimal nutrients" category but they should not be the bulk of your eating.  They are the times you go to a party or celebrate a holiday.  Pleasurable foods with a positive memory attached.  

I left below some of my ways I get micros in when I am not able to sit down and have a meal.   I hope these help those of you on the go like me.  

Ep:9 with iRussi (Julia Ross), discussing Celiac

In my experience many if not everyone should get off gluten if not just for a short time. Wheat has changed over the years, crappy gluten protein is used as fillers in so many things and it has become an allergy for many.   I do not advocate if you are going gluten free to use tons of gluten free boxed goods. Stick with real food and if desire gluten free grains.  

Julia is someone I have known for a long time now and has had to navigate a busy, on the go life with a gluten allergy that is life threatening.   Celiac disease.  Cross contamination can lead to an instant headache. Having gluten in a sauce will make her sick.   We talk about this and her discovery of it in Ep 9. Thank you so much Julia, you are a bright light for sure!