Prepare for life.

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I will hear over and over, I know how to eat I just don't do it or prepare.   We know we have to prepare for goals.  It started as early as grade school, prepping for a test.  We had daily class, we read text books and then we studied for the test.  Over and over we did this.   We prep for our week by look at schedules, kids events, and appointments    What outfits or clothes need to be washed for this ball game or this recital.  You get my point right? Planning goes into a everything we do. It becomes so normal we don't even think about it, we just do it.   
Our eating and meals need to also be planned for success. This does not mean you have to meal prep the same boring meal for every day in your plastic Tupperware and hope after you microwave it it tastes good.   This means you look at your week, what it entails and then plan your fuel to match your work load.

You wouldn't plan on drinking a smoothie for breakfast after a big workout if you knew you wouldn't get lunch until later that day (after normal lunch hours). You would do it a couple times  be ravished with hunger and then realized you need more food after the workout or to bring a snack you can have since lunch was delayed.  
Look at your week, see what you physically and mentally have to do. How can you fuel yourself to make it through the week?  Do you know you need more fat to fuel your brain through a long meeting or intense research?  Do you have a lot of tough patients or clients that day and you need to feel strong and stable to get through it? Are you staying at home with your children and the day is all over the place and you need to be light and flexible so you have the energy to go where the day takes you?  
We have to get out of the rut of running through fast food or not eating when our day gets overwhelming.   Are there things you can have in your office or car to make sure when you forget that you can easily fuel so you don't loose all your energy or go into hangry mode?  

Here are some quick grabs for you to stay on track:

1. Trail mix: Made at home  or a good quality purchased ( this means unsweetened fruit, no candy) 

2. Greens powder:  Containers or individual packets to add to water or tea as a boost to your nutrition for that day. It will not fill your belly but it will give your body fuel through vitamins and minerals. 

3. Primal Kitchen bars or Kind Bars: Both are great low sugar options that allow you to grab a quick snack that provides quality fat and protein.  If the weather isn't to hot and you choose ones without chocolate they will not melt.  

4.  Have your favorite quality restaurants on your phone.  Any place can be fast food if you call ahead.  They can make sure you have a snack or meal that is keeping you on track and some will bring it right to your car.  

5.  Utilize apps like, insta cart, postmates, order up, Amazon, and Uber Eats. If you are in their area all the above can deliver you your groceries or your meal.  It may even be getting green juice and bar from Whole foods.  You will pay a little extra in a delivery fee but hey, you would pay more at a diner and also giving a tip. 

Life is always moving and always changing. Some things are in our control others are not.  If we plan ahead we can navigate with ease and not feel like a "chicken with your head cut off"  

I am here for you,
