Best Day Ever

This past week I was in Costa Mesa, Califonia. I flew into LAX on Wednesday and stayed until Monday. I was embarking on a magical epic week at David Wolfes Women's Wellness Confernce. 

It started w really cool things happening w my flight.  Having a delay out of Nashville and 5 min to make my connecting flight (I got there just in time)  I then sat between two ladies on the flight one who I barely spoke to. Upon realizing uber didn't pick up at airports the one I hardly spoke to offered to drive me into Beverly Hills and drop me off at Erewhon Market where my friend Sarah was.  Her name was Tanya and she was amazing and made the drive so enjoyable. I remember thinking how great it would have been to have a friend pick me up... Well I made a new friend that drove me. 

Erewhon is like an even more awesome Whole Foods.  Raw doughnuts, all kinds of pressed juices in glass bottles.  


Organic green juice along w ice coffee

Organic green juice along w ice coffee

A tonic bar that served tonic elixirs and shots, made with tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms. 

When sarah arrived we stocked up on goodies and made our way to Costa Mesa for the conference.  ​

David Wolfe speaking on activated charcoal  

David Wolfe speaking on activated charcoal  

If you have ever heard David Wolfe speak he always references that it's " the best day ever" it's a phrase that speaks the best into existent and makes everyday the best.  His events are a reflection of his language.  

April was my first event and I chose to be a volunteer. I stepped out of my leadership zone and decided to just follow. I made amazing friends and had the best time ever.  This event was no different.  I was asked to come back as staff (same job just got paid) on the tonic bar.

Our tonic bar is set up on Thursday and closes down Sunday night.  We logged 60 hours in four days behind that bar, with little time to stop.  We were able to partake and serve drinks and elixirs that most people do not even have access to.


Tonic bar rock stars with David Wolfe.  

Tonic bar rock stars with David Wolfe.  

We came together for this cause and rocked it (most of us only see each other at these events) .

it is an amazing thing to be a part of something that is changing so many lives. Some people come to these conferences because they are into health like myself. Others come because they are trying to save their health. Guests battling disease, cancer, or have had a family member die and they want to be in a place w some answers.  

i have realized as my years of practicing holistic nutrition, I can either bitch about the problems or I can be a part of the solution. Being at these events is being part of the solution.  I learn an emince amount.  I have my heart busted wide open with all the love I receive and I get to bring that back to Tennessee, a place that is so in need of what I learned.  

Health is something we all deserve. We are meant to feel and be amazing. To have everyday be the best day ever.  It is my mission to make that happen for as many people as I can.  

Setting up the bar with my friend Sarah  

Setting up the bar with my friend Sarah  
