Colon Hydrotherapy (colonics)

Meet your Therapists:

Sarah Moore:

I began SMH almost 15 years ago after knowing colonics and nutrition combined was a missing link for true health for so many people and of all ages. Now, I am grateful to be growing a business that is helping clients achieve longevity and also just feel better. I am grateful to have Kristina and allow for us to grow and more people experience colonics! Learn more about me here.

Kristina Hart:

Kristina was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. She is a kind, friendly, energetic, mixed with compassion and a wonderful sense of humor. She's very intuitive and superbly attentive and passionate about the things she loves.

During one of her visits to Nashville, she fell in love with the people and the lifestyle and everything Nashville had to offer. Kristina and her 2 daughters drove from LA to Nashville last year and made it their home.

For many years, Kristina had endured a long journey of healing after being diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Life and traumatic experiences have led her to seek Holistic Wellness. After years of struggling with not feeling her best self, Kristina had found Colon Hydrotherapy to be extremely beneficial to her health.  Investing in weekly colonic visits made a big difference for her.  She felt her energy and health take a 360 turn.

Kristina studied Holistic Wellness and received certifications and licensing for CNA and Holistic Care Aid. She decided to become a colon hydro therapist to help others achieve a goal of wellness and enjoy life to the fullest. 


Good health is as much a function of our elimination status as the quality of food we ingest. All of us take care of ourselves externally. However, the body needs to be taken care of internally as well. Every day, we are exposed to harmful chemicals and toxins that enter our bodies and build up, which cause our health to deteriorate over long periods. That is why I believe it is essential to cleanse the bowels with water along with nutritional cleansing. 

What is a colonic?

Colon Hydrotherapy, also known as a Colonic, uses filtered warm water to irrigate the colon and remove waste that has been compacted to the colon walls. This is done through a closed-loop system, where there is no odor. 

When your body does not eliminate waste, it affects many aspects of your health. Along the walls of your colon, it could contain parasites, worms, accumulated mucus, etc. Colon waste affects the way you function and your overall nutrient absorption. If waste is not eliminated, then it can leak toxic poisons back into your bloodstream.

Colon Hydrotherapy is a treatment that is rejuvenating and refreshing and leaves clients feeling lighter after removing 2 - 4 pounds of fecal matter in one session.

What to expect.

When you hear the word "Colonics," we know what you are thinking. We have been there before, but our bodies can become toxic holding tanks if we do not clean it out. Colonics are one of the safest ways to rid your colon of this hazardous waste. Even after one session, you will feel refreshed and notice changes in your energy and overall mood. It's truly amazing what changes can happen when colonics are a part of your healthy lifestyle! Our process is simple, effective, and clean. We respect your modesty while administering the colon hydrotherapy. If you have any questions, we would be more than happy to answer them for you.

  • Prior to a colonic session, we recommend not eating a large meal or heavy foods.

  • Do your best not to eat 2 hours before the session.

  • Try to stay positive and relaxed.

  • Each session lasts approximately 1 hour, although the first session maybe a little longer due to explanation.

  • You will be in a private, quiet room where you will be lying comfortably on your side and then your back. You will be covered, and your modesty is respected.

  • A Certified Colon Hydrotherapist will be in the room administrating the entire session.

  • Once we are finished, you will have time to use the restroom to pass any extra water.

  • You will often feel energetic or lighter once the cleanse is finished.

  • As with any cleanse, you eliminate toxins and could feel somewhat lightheaded depending on your toxicity level.

Good health is as much a function of our elimination status as the quality of food we ingest. All of us take care of ourselves externally. However, the body needs to be taken care of internally as well. Every day, we are exposed to harmful chemicals and toxins that enter our bodies and build up, which cause our health to deteriorate over long periods of time. With Sarah Moore Health, we will get you back on track!

Investment: 1 Session $100 3 Sessions $270 6 Sessions $470 10 Sessions $730

First Time Client: $125.00 any session after is $100. If you choose to purchase a series of 3 your first session, there is only a $25 consult fee added to your package (if not already paid through the website). Your first-time client fee covers texts, emails, phone calls, and the time for the consult prior to the colonic. Your $50 deposit will go towards your first appointment. Packages if purchased, expire with in the year.

PLEASE READ: We have a 24 hour cancellation policy, this is stated on your intake form also. If you have to cancel for ANY reason your deposit will go the time your therapist was unable to schedule during the time that was held for you. We understand that things happen such as illness/family etc. Our goal is always to have you get your colonic but do have others that would like to get in and that spot can not be filled. Thank you for understanding.

Schedule with Sarah